guidestonesThere are two main ideas that I know of about these stones, that they’re 1) guidelines to help a post-apocalyptic society, and 2) guidelines to cause the so-called apocalypse. And I say “so-called” because our Creator has his own plans as to how this “age” is going to end. Check out the Current Events page for more on that.

One of the hip new terms that I’ve heard recently is “sustainable” (have seen it in my local grocery store for selling fish products). On the surface, it seems rather innocent, but, if you were one of the world’s Elite, what kinds of ideas would you come up with that would contribute to a world populace that could be sustained forever – or as the stones say, “perpetual” – by the earth’s natural resources?

Thus, the ideas on the guidestones. Can you think of any modern political mandates/regulations that are contributing to those ideas? I can think of many.

More Reading – Mostly just a textual overview of the stones. – Has a bit of a commentary. Quite a mixed bag of comments too. – This Youtube video covers some of the structural statistics. However, I think he’s way off as to why it was constructed in the first place.

More Research

As with anything I post on this site, you need to figure things out for yourselves by doing your own research.  For this bit, maybe starting with your own Google search: search for “Georgia Guidestones”.


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